News & Events How Property Owners Can Prepare for Summer Storm Damage
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High amounts of lake effect snow can cause a substantial amount of damage due to fallen trees, collapses, or flooding from melted snow. Get some…

Some items, like rare works of art or first-edition books, can never be replaced if lost. When the unexpected strikes, such as a disaster like a…

In difficult times, cases of theft, burglary and vandalism often rise, leading to more damage and property loss insurance claims. Read our latest…

The evolution in how the property claims process has changed amid COVID-19 has created new issues for owners, insurers and adjusters to navigate…

One of the top concerns most people have about filing a claim is whether it will impact their rates, or whether they may even lose their coverage…

Summertime in the Northeast is one of the best times of the year – but it can also be one of the most dangerous times for homes.

There are reasons why some professions require licenses and credentials. Much of that has to do with ensuring professional, trustworthy service…

It’s crucial to have a public adjuster on your side right away to manage your business interruption insurance claim from start to finish.

Now is the time to take note of what you own. After all, in the event of property damage, this can be very helpful when you prepare and file a…

Dan takes on the responsibilities of thoroughly handling the complete claims process — from evaluating coverages to maximizing settlements — for our…

CEO of Globe Midwest™ Adjusters International, Ethan A. Gross, JD answers important insurance coverage questions for business owners regarding how…

Without warning, your home or commercial property can be crippled by a fire, a burst pipe, a collapse, a Northeastern winter storm or any other…